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Author: 伊凡.傑內斯特
Publisher: 如果
Call No.: C MED 0004


 本書從作者如何踏入照護的領域、近四十年在照護現場看到的許多故事及經歷,到為什麼認為人性是照護最重要的核心,和他為什麼確立以站立、觸摸、注視、對話為人性照護的四大技巧,並讓人性照護法成為被全世界採用的照護基準,一一訴說,為每個未來都可能面對照護與被照護的我們,帶來無限的省思與啟發。改革和變化之際,探討「下一步將會是什麼」的問題,引領讀者一起前瞻人類醫學的未來。【本書重點】 ...


Author: 鍾妮斯.韋伯
Publisher: 橡實文化
Call No.: C SPR 0022



Enhancement Fit For Humanity

Perspectives On Emerging Technologies

Author: Michael Baggot, Alberto Garcia Gomez, Alberto Carrara, Joseph Tham
Publisher: Routledge
Call No. E OTH 0022


 This book explores what constitutes an enhancement fit for humanity in the age of nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, information technologies, and technologies related to the cognitive sciences. It considers the influence of emergent technology upon our understanding of human nature and the impact on future generations....
  Drawing on the Catholic tradition, in particular, the book gathers international contributions from scientific, philosophical, legal, and religious perspectives. Together they offer a positive step in an ongoing dialogue regarding the promises and perils of emergent technology for man’s integral human development.

Bioethics During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Author: Alberto Garcia Gomez
Publisher Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Call No. E MED 0005


 This book offers a compelling ethical analysis of challenges in COVID-19 biomedical research, vaccination and therapy. Moreover, it draws attention to popular countermeasures, such as AI-based prevention, lockdowns and vaccinations. ...Through unique perspectives, it addresses some ethical challenges associated with the pandemic, providing ethical criteria guidelines for health emergencies, focusing on the allocation of limited life-saving resources in a triage situation and the dilemma of who to treat. In addition, the book highlights the necessity of the outlining of a global bioethical framework for pandemic management, rooted in human rights.

Cross-Cultural And Religious Critiques Of Informed Consent

Author: oesph Tham, Alberto Garcia Gomez, Mirko Daniel Garasic
Publisher Routledge
Call No. E MET 0018


 This book explores the challenges of informed consent in medical intervention and research ethics, considering the global reality of multiculturalism and religious diversity. Even though informed consent is a gold standard in research ethics, its theoretical foundation is based on the conception of individual subjects making autonomous decisions. ...
  There is a need to reconsider autonomy as relational—where family members, community and religious leaders can play an important part in the consent process. The volume re-evaluates informed consent in multicultural contexts and features perspectives from Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam. It is valuable reading for scholars interested in bioethics, healthcare ethics, research ethics, comparative religions, theology, human rights, law and sociology.